Friendship Sunday August 10, 2014

FRIENDSHIP SUNDAY IS SUNDAY, AUGUST 10…………… We are encouraging each and every member to invite a person or persons to come and worship with us. They can be churched or unchurched………a neighbor in your residential neighborhood, a co-worker or former co-worker, a relative from out of town, a person(s) you just met, your college roommate, your best friend other than a FPC church member, etc…..As you can see, we want to gather a mass of people in our sanctuary to simply worship God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…..together. That’s it. They will not be asked any questions in worship………….we will all simply worship together!

Then after worship, ALL are invited to the fellowship hall for a fellowship luncheon to honor our guests. Again, they will not be put on the spot about anything. We are asking ALL members to bring a dish of your choosing………main dishes, vegetable dishes, salad dishes, breads, desserts………just like we always do. Your outreach team will be bringing extra dishes in each category to help fill everyone up !

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