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We Bloom Where We Were Planted!

Our congregation provides several ministries of help, prayer and neighborly love to the families living in the neighborhood around our church.


Adopt-A-Block is a program that allows us to connect with the neighbors of our church.  Our team of volunteers walk in teams of two and go door-to-door around the neighborhood every other month to visit and connect with each neighbor.  We want them to know that we are here, that they are in our thoughts, that someone is looking in on them, caring about them, listening to their concerns and needs and most especially – we are praying for them. We believe God walks with us and helps guild us on our mission to care for all His people. 


 Improve-A-Life is a ministry of compassion that helps make minor repairs to the homes of our church neighbors.  Again, a team of our volunteers listen to the needs and concerns of our neighbors and help with minor structural improvements (handicap ramps), facilities clean-up (damaged yards/structural removal) efforts and assist with some cosmetic improvements (i.e. paint)






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